My relationship with running is like a great friend even though you don’t see them as much over the years that bond is still always there. Back in the summer of 2018 I joined up with Togher AC and the club and everyone I’ve met there has made my love for running grow even stronger. In the last couple of years I wanted to know if my body can still remember how to go under 5 minutes in the mile. It has been 20 years since I last did it. I decided to write down on a piece of paper 4:59 and put it on the fridge (that way I always see it). I can’t take it down and say yes to a new challenge until I complete it. I’m excited to meet new people, try new workouts, learn about myself and the body but also a bit scared and anxious about the discomfort at the same time. Please join me on this journey.
Skills and Experiences
Yes to New Challenge: Breaking 5 in the Mile – Episode 1

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