July 2018 - Yes To New
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Archive - July 2018

Five Guys in Dundrum

Five guys is a burger joint that started over thirty years ago in Virginia, United States. They serve hot dogs, hamburgers, French fries. They have a specialty Cajun...

Oysters in Galway

Eilish and I were heading up to Galway for the Galway Film Fleadh so I thought I would look for suggestions for Galway food delicacies on Instagram. Got a few messages...

Meat Free Mondays

Meat is something I eat almost everyday. I don’t know if it’s just become part of the diet from a young age or if I feel the need to always have it. I’m sure I’m not the...

Having a Macchiato

I love the feeling coffee gives me. I find it’s more of a relaxing energy for me. The caffeine in coffee seems to have a different effect on me than a soda or an energy...

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